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  • Registrant : 岐阜市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/09
  • Published : 2023/09/09
  • Changed :2023/09/09
  • Total View : 408 persons
2023/9/2 - 2023/11/26 / 岐阜市 / Other

Panoramic night view of Gifu Castle

Gifu Castle panoramic night view promotion movie released !.

Kinkazan ・ The night view of Gifu is the view from Gifu Castle. Its beauty is widely known, and even the nationally renowned Kobe and Hakodate are not to be outdone. Take the Gifu Kinkazan Ropeway, which is open at night, to Gifu Castle at the top of the mountain. From the castle tower, you can see a 360-degree panoramic view that can be compared to the Northern Lights, with the twinkling lights of downtown Gifu City below and the glow of Nagoya City in the distance.
*Lighting will be reduced during the night view period.

Venue Gifu Castle (Kinkazan Tenshukaku 18, Kinkazan-top, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan)
Address 岐阜市
Date 2023/9/2 - 2023/11/26
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